Foot Orthotics

Custom Foot Orthotics

Our custom foot orthotics are made in house and have a turnaround time of 3-5 days. We have three different methods of making them and which process is decided based on what will provide the best outcome. Our 3 methods are Amfit CAD/CAM, Biofoam Impressions and Plaster of Paris. A full foot assessment is needed in order to determine whether custom foot orthotics would be necessary for you.

Off-the-shelf orthotics

On occasion an off the shelf version may work for you just fine and other times you may benefit more from physiotherapy or another allied health care provider. It is recommended that you try an off the shelf foot orthotic first as that may alleviate your issues before warranting a custom-made orthosis. We carry a few different options of off-the-shelf orthotics and all of them can be modified and slightly customized to help with lingering ailments.

Custom Shoes

There are times when a regular off the shelf shoe will not work for someone and in this case the government will help pay for custom shoes so that you can walk more comfortably. The process is for you come in for an assessment and casts will be taken and sent to Steenwyk Custom Shoes in Red Deer to be made. You are eligible every year for a pair of custom shoes.

If you do not qualify for government funding, you can still use this service and purchase custom shoes yourself. You may qualify for some funding through your private health insurance but still would have to pay most out of pocket.

Shoe Modifications

There are many types of shoe modifications such as shoe lifts, rocker soles, lateral & medial flares, buttresses, and foot reliefs that can be added into the shoe to improve pain and gait. In some situations, the modifications are covered by the government, but they have strict rules and if they do not cover it your private health insurance most likely will. We offer free assessments to figure out which option would be best for you to help you adapt to the next stage in your life.